A Month in Review: On Writing, On Thinking, On Wandering, On In-betweenness, and Other Ruminations

After a break from blogging, here’s an eclectic assortment of thoughts, questions, and adventures: A podcast in which I share a few of my favorite coffee shops in New York City; My dilemma as a writer who is deep in her thoughts at a time when many of us just want taglines and soundbytes; Wonderings and Wanderings as I delve deeper into my graduate studies thinking about Affect Theory, the Posthuman condition, and what to make of it all; A reflection on being forever “stuck” in this space of in-betweenness... This may be a post that resonates with you or bores you to death :D

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New Year's Resolutions for College-Bound Students: 19 Ideas

To start off this year, I am sharing 19 ideas (in honor of 2019!) for “New Year’s resolutions” for college-bound students. Even if college is not on your radar at the moment, you may still find these ideas to be relevant to you. Likewise, if you are already in college, it does not hurt to skim through the list and see what you are doing already and what you might want to consider as a goal…

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Many Things Important in Life are Not Taught in School: How to Talk to and Write to People in a Purposeful Manner (6 Examples)

Many things important in life and essential for navigating adulthood are not taught in school. Likewise, many things taught and emphasized in schools provide only a limited view. Here I give an example of the importance of multiple perspectives and the space for addressing conflicts and controversies in schools. I end with practical examples of how to talk and write in a purposeful manner for greatest impact.

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When At First You Don’t Succeed, Don’t Give Up Too Soon

Real student life has kicked in. One week later, I can tell you that I hit an absolute low point in my self-esteem this week, doubting my sense of worth. Have you ever felt like you are an imposter, like you don’t belong? That’s how I felt on Tuesday, the first “official” day of one of my doctoral seminars in the program. Although I thought I had done everything right to prepare…

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10 Years Later: On Being a Student Again

It is 10pm on a Tuesday evening as I’m starting to write this, but this Tuesday feels different. This Tuesday is September 4, 2018, and today was my first day back in school, but not as a teacher. Today, I became an official student again---a doctoral student in an Ed.D program in the Department of Curriculum and Teaching…

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