The Interview Game and the Life Game: It's All a Tennis Match

This post was inspired by a fairly recent interview experience I had for an educational consulting job. It was one of the most intense interviews I had. I articulate a ‘street smarts’ approach to interviewing that is drawn from a ‘coaching session’ with my husband. And this is where the tennis metaphor comes in. I extend insights to help navigate other stressful life situations.

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New Year's Resolutions for College-Bound Students: 19 Ideas

To start off this year, I am sharing 19 ideas (in honor of 2019!) for “New Year’s resolutions” for college-bound students. Even if college is not on your radar at the moment, you may still find these ideas to be relevant to you. Likewise, if you are already in college, it does not hurt to skim through the list and see what you are doing already and what you might want to consider as a goal…

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Many Things Important in Life are Not Taught in School: How to Talk to and Write to People in a Purposeful Manner (6 Examples)

Many things important in life and essential for navigating adulthood are not taught in school. Likewise, many things taught and emphasized in schools provide only a limited view. Here I give an example of the importance of multiple perspectives and the space for addressing conflicts and controversies in schools. I end with practical examples of how to talk and write in a purposeful manner for greatest impact.

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The Making of a Great First Impression: Power of the Professional Headshot

First impressions are powerful and they are inevitable. The first few seconds of an encounter with someone is all that person needs to have a snapshot of you in their mind--of your physical characteristics, your mannerism, your attitude, and even your potential. Nowadays, social media and online networking have taken first impressions into the digital realm. Here I share my professional headshot experience with the talented Hector Pachas…

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Organization, Time-management & Note-taking: Sharing My Perspective

“Super organized” takes effort. However, with practice and motivation, anyone can get there. And that is really the focus on this blog post: to share with you how I stay organized (to the greatest extent possible), how I manage my time (and MAKE time), and how I am adjusting to the rigors of my doctoral program. Since reading and note-taking are key components to my student routine, I will be focusing on these as well…

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